Gilbert Y. Liss - Chicago Business Litigation Attorney
Gilbert Y. Liss
77 W. Washington Street, Suite 500
Chicago, IL. 60602
Ph. (312) 984-5000

Serving the chicago business community 
Services Offered
Real estate litigation is often commercial litigation involving real estate. If you have that kind of problem, please look at my Commercial Litigation page.
What I’m talking about here are ownership and title disputes, adverse possession claims, condominium disputes, construction and Mechanics Lien issues.
I don’t usually handle complex real estate tax matters, but I can put you in touch with attorneys who specialize in that type of problem. I won’t charge you to ask about such problems, however.
I take a few mortgage defense cases on a pro-bono basis, that is, without charges to the client, except for cost reimbursements.
I also work with commercial and industrial property and also represent plaintiffs in mortgage foreclosures. Again, contact me to ask about them.
As I indicate in my biography page, much of my working life has been involved in real estate and I can draw on that experience to help you, or to pair you up with someone who can.

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